Michele Bachmann Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Michele Bachmann quotes and sayings page 3 (68 year old politician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 108 we have for her.

Michele Bachmann Quotes
“The biased left-wing media does what it wants. That's not going to define me or hamper me.”
“I'm not only a lawyer, I have a post doctorate degree in federal tax law from William and Mary. I work in serious scholarship and work in the United States federal tax court. My husband and I raised five kids. We've raised 23 foster children. We've applied ourselves to education reform. We started a charter school for at-risk kids.”
Michele Bachmann Quotes
“The government has no business telling an individual what kind of light bulb to buy.”
“I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States. We have to show that we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play.”
Michele Bachmann Quotes
“I get how devastating high taxes are to job creation.”
Michele Bachmann Quotes
“I pledge to you I'm not a talker. I'm a doer.”
Michele Bachmann Quotes
“The Tea Party is an organic, spontaneous movement that rose up in opposition to to the Pelosi-Reid-Obama agenda.”
Michele Bachmann Quotes
“John Quincy Adams most certainly was a part of the Revolutionary War era. He was a young boy, but he was actively involved.”
Michele Bachmann Quotes
“Morals are built on religious faith. Virtue is built on morality and influences a culture.”
“A normal way that the American free market system has worked is that we have a process of unwinding. It's called bankruptcy. It doesn't mean, necessarily, that the industry is eclipsed or that it's gone. Often times, the phoenix rises out of the ashes.”

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