Minnie Driver Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)
Minnie Driver quotes and sayings page 5 (55 year old actress). These are the last 9 out of 49 quotes we have for her.
“I've been a musician longer than I've been an actor.”
“If I could afford to live in London I would.”
“In England, with all due respect, we have some of the plainest actresses in the entire world as our greatest.”
“My 20s were a completely and utterly different time in my life.”
“Security has come from being successful.”
“Singing is my dream and, while it may have not been a commercial success, critically I was thrilled with the reception my first album got.”
“You do a James Bond film, you're being part of an anachronism, a tradition.”
“I've never felt that I had to take a role in one of those mediocre but hugely budgeted romantic comedies because I want to wear beautiful dresses and have people think I'm pretty and that I get the guy.”
“In some movies you feel like you're a very small part of a huge machine. Whereas in the theater you can have a very small part, but you can still feel the weight and the gravity of it. Given the nature of theater, it's a more concentrated and quiet experience.”
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