Min-sik Choi Quotes & Sayings

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5 most famous Min-sik Choi quotes and sayings. He's a 63 year old South Korean actor born on Jan 22, 1962.

“To the image of the characters, I do change my appearance. For example, I gain weight and I lose weight sometimes, and I grow my hair and cut it. Acting is all about physical expression, so I need to change my appearance for all the characters.”
Min-sik Choi Quotes
“Western ghosts are evil, but Korean ghosts are about making peace. That is part of our Korean psyche.”
“I admit that I've been beaten up so many times in films, but we do not fake it - we actually have to fight when we shoot to make it real and to save film and time. Even the props that are not real, like the bats are plastic, but they're still very hard, so it still hurts.”
“If you live around dummies and fake blood for six months, it becomes a part of you. It's fake blood, but sometimes I still feel the real scent of blood, so it's more mentally collapsing, not only physical.”
Min-sik Choi Quotes
“There's something that people misunderstand about screen quotas. It's not about rejecting or hating other countries' films, but about protecting our domestic film industry.”

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