Nick Bantock Quotes & Sayings

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4 most famous Nick Bantock quotes and sayings (artist).

Nick Bantock Quotes
“I do what I want to do. I see where my enthusiasm is. Over the years, my techniques expanded. That's how the writing came out.”
Nick Bantock Quotes
“Growing up in England, people told you why you couldn't do things. Suddenly, I had a publisher banging on my door, and was given the creative green light to simply make.”
Nick Bantock Quotes
“I had never read in public, never given an interview. I was doing it all and trying to produce the next book and raise three young kids and had another child on the way.”
Nick Bantock Quotes
“One minute I was completely unknown, barely able to feed my family, living on pennies. The next minute, Katie Couric was interviewing me on the breakfast show.”

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