Patricia MacLachlan Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Patricia MacLachlan quotes and sayings page 2 (87 year old writer). These are the last 6 out of 16 quotes we have for her.

Patricia MacLachlan Quotes
“Looking back, I see that I write books about brothers and sisters, about what makes up a family, what works and what is nurturing.”
“Each time I write a new piece, whether a novel, a picture book, a speech or anything, really, it has so much to do with what I'm going through personally or a problem I'm trying to work out. When I wrote my novel 'Baby,' my three children had all just gone out the door.”
“I can always tell when I'm about to start writing. I go through cycles in reading. When I'm beginning to start to write something, I start reading what I think of as good literature. I read things with wonderful language.”
Patricia MacLachlan Quotes
“I have great editors, and I always have. Somehow, great editors ask the right questions or pose things to you that get you to write better. It's a dance between you, your characters, and your editor.”
“I think what happens is you write how you grew up. And I was born on the prairie, and so everything is kind of spare on the prairie. And so I'm just used to writing in that way. 'Sarah, Plain and Tall' was that way. And most of my fiction is. I like writing small pieces. Somehow it just suits me.”
“My mother, as a girl, had remembered this woman from Maine, someone who was part of the extended family somehow, and I recall her talking about this great, risk-taking woman. There are the most amazing, heroic stories in everybody's lives.”

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