Pete Waterman Quotes & Sayings

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19 most famous Pete Waterman quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 78 year old British producer born on Jan 15, 1947.

Pete Waterman Quotes
“Everybody likes a roller coaster ride.”
Pete Waterman Quotes
“I don't mind losing, but I don't like losing to cheats.”
Pete Waterman Quotes
“Reality TV finds talented people. There are no scripts. The editing is what it's all about. Great editing makes those shows.”
Pete Waterman Quotes
“I'm not going to say that every record I've put out was the greatest record in history, but I'd stand by even the bad ones. Don't make excuses, make hits.”
Pete Waterman Quotes
“Everything I touch turns to gold.”
Pete Waterman Quotes
“I think Robbie Williams is an utter and complete prat. His last record was a pile of rubbish.”
Pete Waterman Quotes
“I think that's where reality TV works - you don't know where it's going.”
Pete Waterman Quotes
“Reality TV is here, it's been here really since the Carol Levis Discovery Show in 1957. It's never changed. It just looks a bit different.”
Pete Waterman Quotes
“Give the public what they want. What you want is unimportant.”
Pete Waterman Quotes
“There's a certain edge about cruelty. If you're honest about it, most people wince, but say it had to be said.”

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