Richard Lugar Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Richard Lugar quotes and sayings page 2 (politician). These are the last 7 out of 17 quotes we have.

Richard Lugar Quotes
“Very rarely does food enhance the conversation. If the food is really good, there'll be much less conversation because you'd be concentrating too much on the food.”
Richard Lugar Quotes
“If I could offer but one helpful hint to young Hoosiers hoping to better their odds for success in life, I would simply note the importance of thoughtful reading.”
Richard Lugar Quotes
“Americans who may be going to the largest embassy we've ever had.”
Richard Lugar Quotes
“It's very unlikely that we're going to send more troops to Iraq. We are going to have to train the Iraqis faster and harder.”
Richard Lugar Quotes
“We must perfect a worldwide system of accountability for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.”
Richard Lugar Quotes
“Despite elections and the experience of post-Soviet personal freedoms by the Russian people, the fate of democracy in Russia is perhaps more ambiguous now than at any time since the collapse of the Communist system.”
Richard Lugar Quotes
“The time frame is very small to disarm the militia, to bring about a security situation in which the governing council, the 24 Iraqis or however many others they appoint, can govern the country.”

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