Robert Forster Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Robert Forster quotes and sayings page 2 (83 year old actor). These are the last 7 out of 17 quotes we have for him.

Robert Forster Quotes
“I do try to be resentful, I really do, but I just can't bring myself to do it.”
Robert Forster Quotes
“I liked Jim Carrey from the very beginning.”
Robert Forster Quotes
“Well, normally we don't think all that hard about titles.”
Robert Forster Quotes
“You've got to internalize the character. You've got to learn the words. These are separate things, but they work together.”
“I had four children, we all had to struggle to get up and get educated, and they all did their part, and we all did the best we could, and that's what a family and a parent is supposed to do.”
“It's what you do every time. You isolate what you know, and you create a mental image of what you're doing. Every time you speak you don't have to think about it. Words come out of your mouth based on what you know. That's the same job every time.”
“The job is trying to create movie shots that have depth, that have the meanings you need them to have, and then good enough so that they will add something to the final picture. They will make the picture; they'll get into the picture, and give them what they need. It's an interesting job.”

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