Roberta Williams Quotes & Sayings
17 most famous Roberta Williams quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 72 year old American designer born on Feb 16, 1953.
“If more women want to be a part of the computer industry today, they have to do more to put themselves there. Nobody is keeping them out.”
“I appreciate the sentiment that I am a popular woman in computer gaming circles; but I prefer being thought of as a computer game designer rather than a woman computer game designer. I don't put myself into gender mode when designing a game.”
“Freshness is important. If a game is fresh, new, intriguing, challenging, and enchanting, it will sell, and sell well.”
“My definition of an adventure game is an interactive story set with puzzles and obstacles to solve and worlds to explore.”
“I believe the adventure game genre will never die any more than any type of storytelling would ever die.”
“King's Quest IV was a much bigger hit than I, II, or III. I do feel that King's Quest IV was a pivotal game in bringing in more female players.”
“An adventure game is nothing more than a good story set with engaging puzzles that fit seamlessly in with the story and the characters, and looks and sounds beautiful.”
“A good story never dies.”
“At the end of a project I get very weird, you know, in my head because I'm not doing it. It's like an addiction. I have to do it.”
“I always say that my favorite game was Original Adventure, published by both Microsoft and Apple Computer back in 1980.”
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