Rosemary Mahoney Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Rosemary Mahoney quotes and sayings page 3 (writer). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 41 we have.

“When sighted people cover their eyes or find themselves in a dark place, this is something that's very terrifying for us. And so in general, we assume that this is what blindness means. But of course, it isn't. For people who were born blind or who go blind at a very young age, that's not at all what blindness means.”
Rosemary Mahoney Quotes
“As a teen-ager I was constantly trying to please people, which I guess is true of all adolescents.”
Rosemary Mahoney Quotes
“I'm very curious about the world, foreign cultures.”
Rosemary Mahoney Quotes
“I've rarely met a miserable, self-pitying blind person.”
Rosemary Mahoney Quotes
“In 'A Likely Story,' I wanted to recreate the events, the mood, and the imagery of my life as a teenager. I was thirty-seven when I wrote it.”
Rosemary Mahoney Quotes
“Nobody's perfect, and to try to pretend you're perfect is an exhausting fool's errand.”
Rosemary Mahoney Quotes
“Not one day of my mother's adult life passed without some critical demand on her maternal role, without some urgent response from her.”
Rosemary Mahoney Quotes
“The first thing the Chinese ask you when they meet you is: 'How much money do you make?' It's a legitimate question to ask in China.”
Rosemary Mahoney Quotes
“There's as much revealed in the way a person lifts a glass as in what they say about some political issue.”
“It's rare that I'm able to get to my desk in the morning without stopping halfway there, turning around, and going in the opposite direction because of a pressing need to straighten all the pictures on the walls, floss my teeth a second time, and make certain that there really are 100 postage stamps in the roll of stamps I bought yesterday.”

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