Salma Hayek Quotes & Sayings (Page 12)

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Salma Hayek quotes and sayings page 12 (57 year old actress). Here's quote # 111 through 120 out of the 123 we have for her.

“So you have to keep waiting and then they give you the script and it's terrible. Then you have to go to the rewrite and they're very upset because you didn't like it. I went through that for seven years.”
“For my wrap present, Colin Farrell gave me a first edition book. I got so involved with this character and I was so sad when the movie was over that when I got home and I tried to read the book I got really emotional and I started crying.”
Salma Hayek Quotes
“I didn't think marriage worked. I thought everybody who was married was secretly miserable - that it was something they just put up with for their children.”
“There's a lot about the character. It doesn't always happen, but there are some characters you really create a relationship with, almost as if they were your friend. And you never get into their heads again or think like them.”
“For me, I have to say that I like to work a lot too, but I like not working better. The perfect scenario is when you just worked and you know something's coming up, then you have four, five, six months off. But you know you're going to have a job later.”
Salma Hayek Quotes
“I like being a mother. For some people, it's so much work that it can be a burden. But it's not for me, maybe because I had my daughter, Valentina, later on in life, at 41.”
Salma Hayek Quotes
“I really do love Diana Ross; I grew up listening to her records. I grew up in a little town in Mexico, so while we got the music, we never got the experience of watching her.”
Salma Hayek Quotes
“I think if you are young and you have children, you still have so much to prove. When you have children later in life, you lose a bit of that urge for working.”
Salma Hayek Quotes
“If you're paralyzing your face in your 20s and 30s, you're not exercising the muscles that give it strength. My feeling is, laugh, cry, move your face.”
Salma Hayek Quotes
“There were many times when I had to emotionally come to terms with the fact that maybe I wasn't ever going to get married. And I started getting comfortable with that.”

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