Seth Green Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Seth Green quotes and sayings page 2 (51 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 26 we have for him.

Seth Green Quotes
“Doing something because it's quote-unquote a good career move doesn't really appeal to me.”
Seth Green Quotes
“I don't believe in e-mail. I rarely use a cell phone and I don't have a fax.”
Seth Green Quotes
“It doesn't matter what you're saying if you come from an honest place.”
Seth Green Quotes
“During the writer's strike I was walking a line and ran into Jack Black and he said, 'We're doing Airborne 2!', and I asked, 'Are you kidding?', and he said, 'Yeah.' I like 'Airborne,' its very pure.”
“I had been acting since I was seven years old, but I had a combination of things happen at about the same time. 'Austin Powers' came out on DVD, I got a series regular gig on 'Buffy' and 'Can't Hardly Wait' came out.”
“I've noticed that girls between like 20 and 30 seem to know 'Can't Hardly Wait.' I got the goth kids who know 'Buffy.' I got this wide spectrum of people who range from like 8 to 13 who seem to know 'Scooby-Doo.' Then I get the international people who seem to know 'Austin Powers' and 'The Italian Job.'”
Seth Green Quotes
“Three or four years ago, I got really caught up in the movies people were making, the opportunities they were getting, and I was looking at them with bitterness.”
Seth Green Quotes
“After working for 18 years, all of a sudden I became successful on a level where other people knew it. It's not a cat you can put back in the bag.”
Seth Green Quotes
“I think I've always just been kinda geeky and got to play some mildly appealing roles.”
Seth Green Quotes
“I was four years old when I saw 'Star Wars', and it has been significantly important throughout my entire life.”

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