Sid Waddell Quotes & Sayings

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26 most famous Sid Waddell quotes and sayings (entertainer). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Sid Waddell Quotes
“Well as giraffes say, you don't get no leaves unless you stick your neck out.”
Sid Waddell Quotes
“When Alexander of Macedon was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer. Eric Bristow is only 27.”
Sid Waddell Quotes
“It's like trying to pin down a kangaroo on a trampoline.”
Sid Waddell Quotes
“The atmosphere is so tense, if Elvis walked in, with a portion of chips... you could hear the vinegar sizzle on them.”
Sid Waddell Quotes
“He's about as predictable as a Wasp on speed.”
Sid Waddell Quotes
“He looks about as happy as a penguin in a microwave.”
Sid Waddell Quotes
“That's the greatest comeback since Lazarus.”
Sid Waddell Quotes
“That was like throwing three pickled onions into a thimble!”
Sid Waddell Quotes
“Under that heart of stone beat muscles of pure flint.”
Sid Waddell Quotes
“Golden rule of life: never underestimate your rivals.”

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