Sophie McShera Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Sophie McShera quotes and sayings page 2 (40 year old actress). These are the last 8 out of 18 quotes we have for her.

Sophie McShera Quotes
“I'm quite low-key - Isabel Marant is one of my favourite designers.”
Sophie McShera Quotes
“If me and my friends are feeling decadent, we go for afternoon tea.”
Sophie McShera Quotes
“My friends would howl if I claimed I was androgynous - I'm not tall enough!”
Sophie McShera Quotes
“Normally, you have to wait for the costume department to help you out of costume.”
“I do loads of one-pot things because I feel like you can't go too far wrong. And I make a lot of soups and casseroles, which is so boring, but it's the only thing I can do!”
“I loved 'Pulling.' It was so original and hilarious. I remember being very sad when it finished. I'd love to start a campaign to bring it back, but if I did, the actors would probably say, 'We're fine. We're all really busy, thanks. Please don't!'”
Sophie McShera Quotes
“I'm really rubbish at putting anything on my skin, because I don't like the feel of it. But I do love Kate Moss' Rimmel lipsticks - I keep them in all my coat pockets.”
Sophie McShera Quotes
“When I was ten, I had a weird cinema party where I invited everyone from my street to come. I pretended I was an usher and tried to sell them all popcorn.”

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