Steve Largent Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Steve Largent quotes and sayings page 3 (athlete). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 48 we have.
“These companies know that at their current size they're not going to be big enough to have the necessary capital, and they don't have enough spectrum to get to the third generation.”
“It's hard, or you wouldn't like it. A lot of coaches really don't like what they're doing.”
“What you see happening right now with some of the consolidation is all about more spectrum and capital formation that give you the scale, scope and resources to invest in that 3G world.”
“This is going to become a battle for access to your home and office plus mobility. It's about who can provide the biggest and least expensive and fastest pipe to your home and office and offer you a mobility feature.”
“We're not necessarily the ski boat, we're the skier. There are countries like Japan and Korea and others who are the ski boat at this point, but we're getting pulled right behind them.”
“Any kid who grew up with an alcoholic parent will tell you how nauseating it feels never to know what it will be like when you come home.”
“Football players should always remember there's a whole lot more to life.”
“I am pro-death penalty, but not an enthusiastic death-penalty person. I think there's a place for it, that it should serve as a deterrent.”
“I might not be a great athlete, but I think I'm a real good football player.”
“I think when you've been exposed to the Creator of the universe, then the federal government doesn't seem very powerful.”
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