Steve McManaman Quotes & Sayings

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3 most famous Steve McManaman quotes and sayings. He's a 53 year old Irish athlete born on Feb 11, 1972.

“I experienced the heat when I was playing for Madrid. If we went to places like Sevilla early on in the season it was unbearable. Usually you can feel it on pre-season tours in places like Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta. The humidity levels are unreal, but this is different, the first game of the World Cup.”
Steve McManaman Quotes
“I'm a racehorse fanatic rather than a football fanatic.”
“You know that wherever you go, not everyone will speak your language. But go and experience the local culture and try to pick up as much as you can. I certainly think going forward - away from football because football is just a small part of your life - you will grow as a person.”

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