Susanna Thompson Quotes & Sayings

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4 most famous Susanna Thompson quotes and sayings. She's a 67 year old American actress born on Jan 29, 1958.

“I stopped eating beef in high school, and in college I stopped eating poultry. I am not a huge fan of factory farming and what we're doing to animals. I try to eat as clean as possible because I want to know what I'm putting into my body.”
“No one recognizes me. And I hope that I can always go out without being recognized. Maybe that limits you in some way but I like to be able to pull my hair back in a ponytail and get groceries without anyone noticing.”
Susanna Thompson Quotes
“I was forever changed by my experience on 'Once and Again.' All of us who were on that show have deep connections... familial connections.”
Susanna Thompson Quotes
“I always knew I wanted to be an actor. I was talented in college but not the most talented. But I knew I wanted to do it, and that intention got me there and kept me there.”

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