Tamara Taylor Quotes & Sayings

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8 most famous Tamara Taylor quotes and sayings. She's a 53 year old Canadian actress born on Sep 27, 1970.

“Hanging out with my girlfriends is my sanity saver. We go out for a bad chick flick and dinner. I suggest you break free from the guys, see a really silly, girly movie, and get a little something to eat afterwards. It feels like a treat.”
Tamara Taylor Quotes
“Every night before bed, I drop down to the floor and do 20 sit-ups, 5 push-ups and stretching. No matter what the day has been like, I drop and give myself 20 every single night.”
Tamara Taylor Quotes
“Have the pride of the brown girl and know that you'll figure out your own beauty in time.”
Tamara Taylor Quotes
“I saw 'Mahogany' and 'Lady Sings the Blues' when I was little and thought, 'That's what I want to do.'”
Tamara Taylor Quotes
“I tried martial arts classes for three weeks, but I quit because you actually get hit. I just want to do the movie kind of martial arts.”
Tamara Taylor Quotes
“I was an only child, and my mom threw me into some modeling classes to get me out of my shell.”
“Anything salty and crunch is a world of perfection to me. Put chips in front of me, and I will eat to the bottom of the bag. Because I have the tendency to do this, I found these amazing Eden Brown Rice Chips. They're the perfect amount of salt and crunch, and there's nothing in them.”
“I recommend people develop a fear of elevators, like I have. Even if something is on the tenth floor, I'm walking up. If you don't have claustrophobia, pretend you do and take the stairs everywhere! It ends up being so healthy!”

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