Taslima Nasrin Quotes & Sayings

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24 most famous Taslima Nasrin quotes and sayings (writer). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Taslima Nasrin Quotes
“I believe in absolute freedom of expression. Everyone has a right to offend and be offended.”
“In traditional societies, we have a long legacy of men controlling the body and mind of women. Such societies have valorised motherhood and fabricated concepts like chastity. Women have been the victims of these notions for thousands of years.”
“I was born in a middle class Muslim family, in a small town called Myonenningh in a northern part of Bangladesh in 1962. My father is a qualified physician; my mother is a housewife. I have two elder brothers and one younger sister. All of them received a liberal education in schools and colleges.”
Taslima Nasrin Quotes
“Those religions that are oppressive to women are also against democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.”
Taslima Nasrin Quotes
“Women are oppressed in the east, in the west, in the south, in the north. Women are oppressed inside, outside home, a woman is oppressed in religion, she is oppressed outside religion.”
Taslima Nasrin Quotes
“Koranic teaching still insists that the sun moves around the earth. How can we advance when they teach things like that?”
Taslima Nasrin Quotes
“I write against the religion because if women want to live like human beings, they will have to live outside the religion and Islamic law.”
Taslima Nasrin Quotes
“Nature says women are human beings, men have made religions to deny it. Nature says women are human beings, men cry out no!”
Taslima Nasrin Quotes
“The fundamentalists are increasing. People, afraid to oppose those fundamentalists, shut their mouths. It is really very difficult to make people move against a sensitive issue like religion, which is the source of fundamentalism.”
“When I write, I don't allow the fear of consequences to interfere with the writing process. I have in the past paid for my commitment to the truth and the way I live my life. I am prepared to pay more if I have to.”

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