Terry Semel Quotes & Sayings

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12 most famous Terry Semel quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's an 82 year old American businessman born on Feb 17, 1943.

Terry Semel Quotes
“Our new attitude is how can we put you in front of our customer.”
“At Yahoo, we were one of the early proponents of the power of content showcased through new media. SnagFilms, with its large library and breadth of digital distribution, can help shape this next phase, bringing great stories to broad new audiences.”
Terry Semel Quotes
“Search, which is extremely important, represents about 5% of the page views on the Internet and 40% of the revenue. So, highly monetized.”
“When I began working in Yahoo, my family moved with me. Despite our efforts, our kids wanted to study in Los Angeles, and I was forced to see my family and friends only on weekends. In the beginning I even enjoyed it, but knew that at some stage I'd want to go back home.”
Terry Semel Quotes
“Yahoo! is the only company with both scale and leadership in branded and search advertising.”
Terry Semel Quotes
“The Internet and Yahoo are firmly established as 'must buys' for brand advertising.”
Terry Semel Quotes
“Sometimes, on a personal level, I wince.”
Terry Semel Quotes
“There is nothing to be embarrassed about being profitable.”
Terry Semel Quotes
“While more great films are being made every year, it is increasingly difficult to get indies into theaters or on TV.”
Terry Semel Quotes
“Yahoo is all about content. Deep reservoirs of important content in many, many strong areas.”

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