Tom Bodett Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Tom Bodett quotes and sayings page 3 (70 year old author). These are the last 7 out of 27 quotes we have for him.

“I'm real. I believe what I'm saying. If Motel 6 wasn't the type of operation they say it is - and I stay at them when I travel - I wouldn't do their commercials. That comes through on the radio, and that's what it's all about.”
Tom Bodett Quotes
“What you hear is southern Michigan, not a drawl, but a halting kind of speech where you leave spaces when there shouldn't be any. We take a breath anywhere.”
Tom Bodett Quotes
“Professor Al Drake encouraged me to just write the way I talk. I decided if that's what I needed to do, I didn't need to be in school to do it.”
“For some people, you know, Garrison Keillor, Rush Limbaugh, really the stars, they've got a passion. They eat, drink and breathe radio, and I'm not like that. I used to think I wanted to be. But I need to be away from it, too, and that's the difference, I think.”
Tom Bodett Quotes
“Mine is not a story to tell struggling writers.”
Tom Bodett Quotes
“I know how to make adults laugh pretty well. I don't know if kids think I'm that funny.”
Tom Bodett Quotes
“Thirty-two is the age we turn into actual adults.”

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