Tom Bodett Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Tom Bodett quotes and sayings page 2 (70 year old author). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 27 we have for him.
“Kids in Alaska don't know they're growing up on the Last Frontier. It's just what they see on the license plates, and it's something tourists like to say a lot because they've never been around so many mountains and moose before.”
“My work is still very much light-hearted, positive outlook, laugh at yourself. But it isn't going to be the laugh-a-minute kind of thing that my early work was.”
“Tom Kizzia hasn't just observed and written about Alaska for three-plus decades, he's lived it. 'Pilgrim's Wilderness' is a story that needed to be told by the only man who could tell it.”
“There's a lot of people around Alaska now who are actually running the place who claim to just have gone there for the summer once 30 years ago. And that seems to be what happens.”
“John Muir, the famous naturalist, wrote in his journal that you should never go to Alaska as a young man because you'll never be satisfied with any other place as long as you live. And there's a lot of truth to that.”
“Could the garment and appliance industries be in cahoots together, creating an artificial sock demand to keep us buying?”
“Did you ever notice that nobody you see on television looks like anyone you know?”
“I went to Alaska as a young man just looking for adventure. And like so many of us in the '70s, we found it.”
“I come from very common stock, and I've always been uncomfortable with pretension and all the forms it can take, including disingenuous broadcasting.”
“I originated my own cliches, but I'm finding that's not working for me anymore.”
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