Tony Blair Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)
Tony Blair quotes and sayings page 4 (71 year old statesman). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 68 we have for him.
“My faith foundation works to bring about a greater respect and understanding between different faiths. We basically work with six popular religions in the world which are the three Abrahamic religions, Hinduism and Buddhism and Sikhism.”
“Those who wish to cause religious conflict are small in number but often manage to dominate the headline.”
“If you are trying to take a difficult decision and you're weighing up the pros and cons, you have frank conversations. Everybody knows this in their walk of life.”
“My office is on Twitter. I don't tweet myself - at least, not intentionally, but I probably should do.”
“Conflict is not inevitable, but disarmament is... everyone now accepts that if there is a default by Saddam the international community must act to enforce its will.”
“I learnt a lot in government, and I've learnt a lot since leaving government. The kind of journey of being in government is that you start at your most popular and least capable, and you end at your most capable and least popular.”
“I mean, I went to a church school when I was younger and imbibed a certain amount of religion then but it was really in university that I got interested in religion and politics at the same time. I don't think as if it were one moment of conversion but my spiritual journey really began then.”
“I cannot think of any circumstances in which a government can go to war without the support of parliament.”
“I have long believed this interdependence defines the new world we live in.”
“I think the journey for a politician goes from wanting to please all the people all the time, to a political leader that realises in the end his responsibility is to decide. And when he decides, he divides.”
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