Tracey Ullman Quotes & Sayings

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52 most famous Tracey Ullman quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 65 year old British comedian born on Dec 30, 1959.

Tracey Ullman Quotes
“As I get older, I just prefer to knit.”
Tracey Ullman Quotes
“I don't see myself as a stand-up comic doing cynical, mean-spirited or disrespectful stuff. I'm very aware that I don't like to disrespect people too much.”
Tracey Ullman Quotes
“As you get older, you realize it's work. It's that fine line between love and companionship. But passionate love? I'd love to know how to make that last.”
Tracey Ullman Quotes
“It's like a woman's birthright to knit. It's primal. It's timeless. You don't need electricity to knit. You can do it with a candle, girls!”
Tracey Ullman Quotes
“I think serial monogamy says it all.”
Tracey Ullman Quotes
“An M.P. once suggested I be put in the Tower of London for saying derogatory things about the royals. There's no First Amendment in my country.”
Tracey Ullman Quotes
“I just want to do good work.”
Tracey Ullman Quotes
“I used to dress up and impersonate our next-door neighbor, Miss Cox. She wore rubber boots, a wool hat, and her nose always dripped.”
Tracey Ullman Quotes
“I'm fascinated by Bollywood.”
“The working classes in England were always sentimental, and the Irish and Scots and Welsh. The upper-class English are the stiff-upper-lipped ones. And the middle class. They're the ones who are crippled emotionally because they can't move up, and they're desperate not to move down.”

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