Tracy Kidder Quotes & Sayings

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24 most famous Tracy Kidder quotes and sayings (author). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Tracy Kidder Quotes
“You do the right thing even if it makes you feel bad. The purpose of life is not to be happy but to be worthy of happiness.”
Tracy Kidder Quotes
“What I like about non-fiction is that it covers such a huge territory. The best non-fiction is also creative.”
Tracy Kidder Quotes
“What interests me is trying to catch the reflection of the human being on the page. I'm interested in how ordinary people live their lives.”
“Paul Farmer has helped to build amazing health care system in one of the poorest areas of Haiti. He founded Partners in Health, which serves the destitute and the sick in many parts of the world from Haiti to Boston and from Russia to Peru.”
Tracy Kidder Quotes
“People say you can't teach writing, but I think that's nonsense.”
Tracy Kidder Quotes
“The combination of domesticity and wildness - that's a deep expression.”
Tracy Kidder Quotes
“Continuity is one of the things I like about New England.”
Tracy Kidder Quotes
“In a very basic way, a prominent landmark such as Mt. Holyoke tells you where you are. They let you know that you're not the first person in a place.”
Tracy Kidder Quotes
“I do believe that enduring geological features are important, though I don't think I can be clear about exactly why.”
Tracy Kidder Quotes
“I want my prose to be as clear as a pane of glass.”

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