Trevor Rabin Quotes & Sayings

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35 most famous Trevor Rabin quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 71 year old American musician born on Jan 13, 1954.

Trevor Rabin Quotes
“I don't mind snakes. Growing up in South Africa there were a couple a snakes around... and I'm not talking just about the government!”
Trevor Rabin Quotes
“You can't judge an album by a single song; it's like judging a book by only reading a single chapter.”
Trevor Rabin Quotes
“I'll always do the guitar parts since it's my main instrument.”
Trevor Rabin Quotes
“I really love writing themes and melody.”
“I've done that quite often, but I've got to be quite honest... as much as you would want to only do one at a time, sometimes projects overlap and there's nothing you can do. Sometimes you to have begin writing a new project just as you're finishing off another.”
“I grew up in such a musical family, and my dad was the first chair in the Johannesburg Symphony Orchestra, and my mom was a piano teacher and a painter, so it was kind of a creative environment, and it was kind of in my DNA.”
“When you do a record like 'Talk,' and you're happy with it, and it reaches your ambitions and then doesn't sell as well as you wanted, it kind of takes the wind out of your sails a little.”
“While I'm quite happy and love doing the atmospheric and quirky stuff, the melodic stuff, I've done quite a lot of. It's also another reason why I try not to do two or three at the same time.”
Trevor Rabin Quotes
“All of the directors I've worked with I've gotten along with very well.”
Trevor Rabin Quotes
“It's an important thing to have a relationship with the director, and have it be a positive one.”

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