Trey Gowdy Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Trey Gowdy quotes and sayings page 4 (politician). These are the last 7 out of 37 quotes we have.

Trey Gowdy Quotes
“I'm not searching for ways to tell the District of Columbia what to do.”
Trey Gowdy Quotes
“I'm unelectable in the District of Columbia.”
Trey Gowdy Quotes
“There's no way we can get to the bottom of Benghazi without David Petraeus.”
Trey Gowdy Quotes
“There's several different forms of executive privilege. The one that is most absolute would be close advisers talking to the president himself.”
Trey Gowdy Quotes
“Unless your name is Jack Bauer, you cannot make people talk.”
“Even someone as lowly as an assistant U.S. attorney has to undergo a background check, and you're asked a series of very invasive questions, and you're expected to tell the truth and they're under penalty of perjury. And you're asked those questions so you can't be blackmailed or extorted.”
Trey Gowdy Quotes
“I don't think the president had anything to do with Fast and Furious. I'm not sure Eric Holder did, which leads to a conversation about whether he should have known about it.”

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