Vinnie Jones Quotes & Sayings

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35 most famous Vinnie Jones quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 60 year old English actor born on Jan 5, 1965.

“I always went to Ireland as a child. I remember trips to Dundalk, Wexford, Cork and Dublin. My gran was born in Dublin, and we had a lot of Irish friends, so we'd stay on their farms and go fishing. They were fantastic holidays - being outdoors all day and coming home to a really warm welcome in the evenings.”
“When two people break up, it's all about them; they can't see anyone else. And the people getting smashed to bits are the kids. Then you're getting torn - your mum wants you, your dad wants you. You just get shredded. It has a long-lasting effect as well.”
Vinnie Jones Quotes
“I buy hats like women buy shoes. I have well over 150.”
Vinnie Jones Quotes
“There are a few YouTube clips of me singing at The King's Head in Santa Monica, so you can see how bad I am.”
“Football became my life at five or six. The earliest memory I have is of playing in my first boots, a pair of black and white Alan Balls. It was 1970, four years after the World Cup, and I scored three goals at school.”
Vinnie Jones Quotes
“After 'Big Brother,' people came up to me in the street shouting, 'You woz robbed!'”
Vinnie Jones Quotes
“I've always had my ear pierced with a diamond stud. I did it myself when I was 16.”
Vinnie Jones Quotes
“My mum calls my temper 'Devilman.' They say you calm down with age, but I don't know. It never goes away.”
Vinnie Jones Quotes
“My parents split when I was 13. For a youngster, it's quite devastating. One minute you're all happy families, then everything changes.”
Vinnie Jones Quotes
“People say you can get bored of the sunshine in L.A. No, you can't.”

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