Warwick Davis Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Warwick Davis quotes and sayings page 2 (55 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 38 we have for him.

Warwick Davis Quotes
“My parents armed me with an amazing sense of humor, and it's what you need when, well, it's what anyone needs in this world.”
Warwick Davis Quotes
“In a costume, you need very exaggerated body language - as you say, sort of mime-type skills.”
Warwick Davis Quotes
“I don't want to be just somebody short who happens to act. I hope my legacy will be Warwick Davis, Actor.”
Warwick Davis Quotes
“As you get older, you can suffer from painful hips, and our joints wear a lot quicker than for people of average height.”
Warwick Davis Quotes
“My dad instilled in me a great sense of humor. I wasn't bullied at school because my outward attitude was confident, and that helps.”
“I mean, I would say I get five or six e-mails every day from people asking, "Is there going to be a Leprechaun 6?' It's probably the most asked question besides, 'Is there going to be a Willow II?'”
Warwick Davis Quotes
“I run Willow Management, which is the biggest agency for other short actors. We look after performers who are either under five feet and over seven feet tall.”
“I wouldn't say one is easier or more difficult, but when you're inside a costume and a mask, you have to endure heat - and, often, difficulty seeing. The vision is not very good in a mask. And you have to cope with that, as well as trying to think about this character.”
“If you just did a horror tone throughout an entire movie you almost, as an audience, can get a little bit used to it. But if you're laughing one minute and, you know, somebody's doing something quite horrific the next minute, it's a little more shocking.”
“If you stood me in a costume next to a computer graphic of the same-looking character, I think there would be a difference. And many movie fans I've spoken to would rather see an actor in a costume than CG.”

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