William Henry Ashley Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
William Henry Ashley quotes and sayings page 2 (businessman). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 22 we have.
“The principal or highest part of the mountain having changed its direction to east and west, I ascended it in such manner as to leave its most elevated ranges to the south and travelled north west over a very rough and broken country generally covered with snow.”
“It appears from Mr. Smith's account that there is no scarcity of buffalo as he penetrated the country.”
“After an unremitting and severe labour of two days, we returned to our old encampment with the loss of some of my horses, and my men excessively fatigued.”
“We continued to move forward without loss of time, hoping to be able to reach the wood described by the Indians before all our horses should become exhausted.”
“I had the Big Horn river explored from Wind River mountain to my place of embarkation.”
“On my passage thither, I discovered nothing remarkable in the features of the country.”
“As my men could profitably employ themselves on these streams, I moved slowly along, averaging not more than five or six miles per day and sometimes remained two days at the same encampment.”
“Many of their lodges remained as perfect as when occupied. They were made of poles two or three inches in diameter, set up in circular form, and covered with cedar bark.”
“Some of them profess to be well acquainted with all the principal waters of the Columbia, with which they assured me these waters had no connection short of the ocean.”
“These mountains appear to be almost entirely composed of stratas of rock of various colours (mostly red) and are partially covered with a dwarfish growth of pine and cedar, which are the only species of timber to be seen.”
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