William Scranton Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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William Scranton quotes and sayings page 3 (politician). These are the last 5 out of 25 quotes we have.

William Scranton Quotes
“And it was at that point that I realized, in fact, our whole administration realized, that we could not rely on Metropolitan Edison for the kind of information we needed to make decisions.”
William Scranton Quotes
“I was scheduled to give my first official press conference that morning anyway, 'cause I was chairman of the Governors Energy Council and I was making a press conference with regard to energy policy.”
William Scranton Quotes
“My time inside there was very short compared to the amount of time it took to take on and take off this suit and to test me for how much radioactivity I have.”
William Scranton Quotes
“Obviously, I'm not looking in the core of the reactor, but I am looking at what, at that time, was considered the source of the trouble, which was the water and where it was.”
“What I had said in the morning was that this is what we know has happened, but there has been no significant off-site release. Only to find out moments later that, in fact, there had been an off-site release. I still haven't gotten over that.”

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