Yakov Smirnoff Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Yakov Smirnoff quotes and sayings page 3 (74 year old comedian). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 37 we have for him.

Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“I have American in-laws, and I care about the environment. We don't use disposable diapers, which, of course, creates an environmental problem of our own.”
Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“I was this non-threatening funny guy who contrasted the image of the Brezhnevs and the Reagans of the world.”
Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“I believe there is a direct correlation between love and laughter.”
Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“Americans think Soviets are so grim. I want them to see that they can smile.”
Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“In today's society we sometimes forget to balance our hearts and our heads; this is the reason we stop laughing.”
Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“We have been learning since we were children how to make money, buy things, build things. The whole education system is set up to teach us how to think, not to feel.”
Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“After the Soviet Union collapsed, people thought I wasn't funny anymore.”
Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“People in Tulsa are totally friendly; the crowds are very nice.”
Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“The ad in the paper said 'Big Sale. Last Week.' Why advertise? I already missed it. They're just rubbing it in.”
Yakov Smirnoff Quotes
“Comedians are always hitting the topical notes that are on everybody's minds.”

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