Alice Waters Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)

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Alice Waters quotes and sayings page 7 (80 year old chef). Here's quote # 61 through 70 out of the 90 we have for her.

Alice Waters Quotes
“I feel like old age in America is a very sad thing. I have been many different places around the world where getting older is something you look forward to.”
“I just hope Americans come to understand that food isn't something to be manipulated by our teeth and shoved down our gullet, that it's our spiritual and physical nourishment and important to our well-being as a nation.”
“I'm focused on the next generation, because I think it's very hard to break the habit of adults who've got salt and sugar addictions and just ways of being in this world. It's very hard even for the most enlightened people at famous universities that are very wealthy to spend the money that it takes to feed the students something delicious.”
Alice Waters Quotes
“In Berkeley, we built the garden and a kitchen classroom. We've been working on it for 12 years. We've learned a lot from it. If kids grow it and cook it, they eat it.”
Alice Waters Quotes
“The fact that most kids aren't eating at home with their families any more really means they are eating elsewhere. They are eating out there in fast food nation.”
“We all need to know how to cook. I can buy a chicken and have many meals come from it. Is it affordable? Yes. Cheap? No. I want to pay the farmers the right price for food. They deserve it. They are the most important people in the country besides our teachers.”
Alice Waters Quotes
“When I first went to Paris in 1965, I fell in love with the small, family-owned restaurants that existed everywhere then, as well as the markets and the French obsession with buying fresh food, often twice a day.”
“You do need some dispensation for local farmers, because the fast food industry will promote the unsanitary conditions of farming. With vegetables, you have to be careful where they come from; you have to know the farmers and trust them. If you buy from the farmers' market, it's already been investigated.”
Alice Waters Quotes
“I used to do calligraphy, and I'm afraid that has lapsed, but I've always been interested in book printing.”
Alice Waters Quotes
“I love those tiny little onions in the spring that are so small they're almost like a little chive.”

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