Alicia Silverstone Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Alicia Silverstone quotes and sayings page 2 (47 year old actress). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 41 we have for her.

Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“One of the things that often frustrates me with cookbooks is that there are one or two recipes that are really good and the rest of them are not so great.”
Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“I'm reachable for people, I'm not out of their league. I'm just a normal girl.”
Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“I never count calories, but I eat so well.”
Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“I truly loved doing the videos, but it has been hard hearing all the time that you're just the Aerosmith chick.”
Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“Clothes make me dizzy.”
Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“I don't just want to be the girl boys get excited about, I have no desire for people to see me in a sexy way. I won't do nudity ever.”
Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“I hate to shop.”
Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“I think people want love in their lives.”
Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“I was a foodie and I continue to be a foodie.”
Alicia Silverstone Quotes
“My favorite thing in the world is a box of fine European chocolates which is, for sure, better than sex.”

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