Alison Sweeney Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Alison Sweeney quotes and sayings page 6 (47 year old actress). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 62 we have for her.

“As soon as I made it about being healthy and shifted my focus away from the scale, the weight started to come off. I keep track of my body by how my jeans fit - and how I feel.”
“I do a lot of cardio. I think it's super important, especially for women. I don't have a tremendous amount of time to work out, so I find myself cramming in a cardio because that's all I can fit in. I think that if you don't have a lot of time, that it's the cleanest way to burn a few calories.”
“I know most Americans don't have this luxury, but we are in Los Angeles and are lucky enough to be able to grill outside almost all year long. It's my favorite way of preparation because it's so clean and it gives it such a great flavor. You need very little oil and the protein can be really cleanly prepared and perfectly cooked.”
Alison Sweeney Quotes
“I like to keep almonds in my pantry. I also like to keep fruit on hand, just different types depending on the season. And string cheese - that's a really good one.”
Alison Sweeney Quotes
“I maintain by going to spin four or five days a week. I love that I can get a solid butt-kicking in 40 minutes. I also strength train two or three times a week.”
“I was recently asked about the business side of 'Biggest Loser,' but as long as we entertain people, we can keep coming back and making a difference. It's a delicate balance, but one feeds off the other. I feel so good about the show - it's uplifting and inspiring and entertaining at the same time.”
“I'll do strength training in my dressing room between shoots, and I've been known to make business calls while out jogging. I try to mute myself on Bluetooth so they can't hear me huffing and puffing, but I usually end up getting caught.”
“I'm a fan of daytime drama; I totally get it. When we are doing scenes that are romantic or will get the audience riled up, I feel like I'm a fan in the room going, 'People are going to be so mad right now!'”
“I'm so busy and there's so much going on, that the gym or a workout can't be a last minute thought, like, 'I have nothing to do today I'm going to go to the gym.' Now it's, 'When am I going to find time to work out tomorrow?'”
“I've actually suffered from allergies my entire life. My mom had allergies, so I was aware of what an issue they can be. Many people allow their allergies to affect their lives. As a mom with two kids and two jobs, I just can't let allergies slow me down. It's a day to day thing that can really be remedied by finding the right medication.”

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