Alonzo Mourning Quotes & Sayings

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27 most famous Alonzo Mourning quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 55 year old American athlete born on Feb 8, 1970.

“Tough times don't last, but tough people do. And I've been through some tough times, and I know a lot of people can recall tough times, and maybe are going through some tough times right now, but they don't last.”
Alonzo Mourning Quotes
“I'm excited about what the future will bring and I think the best is yet to come.”
“I feel that each and every one of us as individuals has a responsibility to one another. None of us would be here without the help of someone else - whether it be guardians, teachers, parents, relatives, etc. - someone contributed to your well being as a person. We're all connected in so many different ways.”
Alonzo Mourning Quotes
“I think in every lesson there's a blessing, and there's so many blessings from all the lessons I've had to go through in life.”
Alonzo Mourning Quotes
“There's a disappointment there because I still feel there's an emptiness in my career that just wasn't filled.”
Alonzo Mourning Quotes
“I had to develop the mentality and stay positive about making my comeback.”
Alonzo Mourning Quotes
“I am reaching a point in my life where the basketball chapter in my life is slowly closing from a competition standpoint.”
Alonzo Mourning Quotes
“I know that all good things must come to an end and I've had an incredible ride. I just want to end it on the right note.”
Alonzo Mourning Quotes
“If we all make a concerted effort and try to improve the life of someone else, then this world would be a better place to live in.”
Alonzo Mourning Quotes
“I was hurting. I had some ailments I was dealing with. It's not like I was holding out.”

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