Amy Klobuchar Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Amy Klobuchar quotes and sayings page 3 (63 year old politician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 32 we have for her.

Amy Klobuchar Quotes
“If we're going to have standards in schools, let's be honest and have standards.”
Amy Klobuchar Quotes
“I look at this in a very simple way: I want to bring the debt down.”
Amy Klobuchar Quotes
“My husband is the first man to consistently be involved in the Senate Spouses group.”
Amy Klobuchar Quotes
“We have to do a better job of putting some rules on the insurance companies.”
“Well, it is so difficult right now when you look out on the road and how fast people go and the more and more cars you see out there, for teenagers, you'd think a kid that literally, a few years before, was sitting back in a car seat in the back seat is now behind the wheel.”
“Before we even consider expanding Medicare, or another program based on its rates, we must reform our Medicare payment system so that it rewards value, not volume, and doesn't disadvantage states like Minnesota that provide high-quality care in an efficient way.”
“I remember when I was prosecutor we had truancy and curfew issues and we made a refrigerator magnet, and that was hot with parents. They loved putting it up on the wall and saying, you know, if you don't follow these rules, you could get prosecuted.”
Amy Klobuchar Quotes
“I understand now why Hillary Clinton always wore navy blue pantsuits. Remember, for four years? If you have one or two themes, then you have the same shoes, the same bag. Otherwise, it's a nightmare.”
“We had a few tragic accidents in our state, as they've had in every state, from train crashes on down. And really, no text is worth dying for; that is our message to young people. And this is such a new phenomenon when you look at the number of texts and how they've increased exponentially in just the last few years.”
“When I was prosecutor we had truancy and curfew issues and we made a refrigerator magnet, and that was hot with parents. They loved putting it up on the wall and saying, you know, if you don't follow these rules, you could get prosecuted. Whether or not it actually happens, it changes a culture, and that's part of what we're trying to do here.”

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