Arne Duncan Quotes & Sayings

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24 most famous Arne Duncan quotes and sayings (public servant). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Arne Duncan Quotes
“Teachers say their schools of education did not adequately prepare them for the classroom. They would have welcomed more mentoring and feedback in their early years.”
Arne Duncan Quotes
“Even in a time of fiscal austerity, education is more than just an expense.”
“Young people know how important it is for dads to be involved in their lives. As I travel the country and talk with students, some of them tell me that their lives would be totally different if their father was around.”
Arne Duncan Quotes
“Surveys show that many talented and committed young people are reluctant to enter teaching for the long haul because they think the profession is low-paying and not prestigious enough.”
Arne Duncan Quotes
“We've seen more reform in the last year than we've seen in decades, and we haven't spent a dime yet. It's staggering how the Recovery Act is driving change.”
Arne Duncan Quotes
“About two-thirds of bachelor's degree holders borrow to go to school, and on average they're graduating with more than $26,000 in debt.”
Arne Duncan Quotes
“Whether it's in an inner-city school or a rural community, I want those students to have a chance to take A.P. biology and A.P. physics and marine biology.”
Arne Duncan Quotes
“To encourage more top-caliber students to choose teaching, teachers should be paid a lot more, with starting salaries more in the range of $60,000 and potential earnings of as much as $150,000.”
Arne Duncan Quotes
“Borrowing to pay for college used to be the exception; now it's the rule.”
Arne Duncan Quotes
“Teachers support evaluations based on multiple measures: student growth, classroom observation and feedback from peers and parents.”

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