Arthur Potts Dawson Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Arthur Potts Dawson quotes and sayings page 2 (chef). These are the last 6 out of 16 quotes we have.
“I'd like to cook for my granny one more time. I cooked for her a couple of times before she passed away, but I wasn't really old enough.”
“It's really important to teach people how to get food, how to grow it, how to pick it, how to prepare it and what's safe to eat.”
“Be mindful of what supermarkets are doing and demand to see their business practices. Stop throwing away food. Compost as much as you can, eat as locally and as seasonally as you can. Share knowledge and information.”
“I just want to serve food that people want to eat, and show a way forward for the restaurant industry, for all industries. One day, everything I've done will be worthwhile.”
“If people grow things themselves, their children understand, then schools in the area know that this community's generating something with its own energy, to consume.”
“In Britain, the big supermarkets dominate our food chain. British supermarkets are some of the best in the world at controlling, manipulating and delivering cheap food.”
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