Bellamy Young Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Bellamy Young quotes and sayings page 2 (55 year old actress). These are the last 8 out of 18 quotes we have for her.

Bellamy Young Quotes
“I want to find a man and have a family.”
Bellamy Young Quotes
“Michelle Obama blows my mind. Form and function, style and grace.”
Bellamy Young Quotes
“When you guest-star, you're usually at the center of the dramatic arc, so that's fun.”
“With Yale, my world got so big all of a sudden. At school, if you could dream it, someone would make it so that you could do it. It was magical. I had a lot going on, as you do when you're 17, and didn't necessarily capitalize on all of it, but it made me see possibility in a way that I hadn't before.”
Bellamy Young Quotes
“The First Lady is such a fascinating office to hold. You're not elected, but it's very much official. You can see the latitude of power of that office.”
Bellamy Young Quotes
“I did love 'Dirty Sexy Money' quite a lot. I loved my tenure at 'Scrubs' quite a lot. 'ER' might have been my favorite guest star thing. 'We Were Soldiers' meant a lot to me.”
Bellamy Young Quotes
“I started singing when I was about 3 and dancing soon after. Mom just started looking for outlets where I could perform and availed herself of any opportunity she could in the mountains of North Carolina in the '70s.”
Bellamy Young Quotes
“I used to be so hard on myself. So hard on myself. Just my own worst critic to the nth degree. Absolutely undermining my confidence in every moment. Bad tape in my head all the time.”

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