Bernardo Bertolucci Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Bernardo Bertolucci quotes and sayings page 3 (84 year old writer). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 45 we have for him.

Bernardo Bertolucci Quotes
“I wanted already to be a filmmaker after I saw 'La Dolce Vita.'”
Bernardo Bertolucci Quotes
“'Dreamers' was because I really wanted to go back after I heard so much nonsense about '68. I wanted to go back to what for me was '68, when young people thought that they could change the world.”
“I like to be in a huis clos, as the French say - in one place. It's something that in general can create a bit of claustrophobia. But for me, claustrophobia becomes almost immediately claustrophilia. I love it!”
“I wanted to have a reaction from the audience. I wanted to be able to talk to somebody, and not be talking just to myself. That's when I did 'The Conformist,' 'Last Tango in Paris,' etc. And I found it was incredibly rewarding, something new.”
“I like being able to see an innocence in people. I see a lot of beauty in youth. Young people are in progress. Their faces and bodies and minds are constantly changing. It's exciting to capture that on film.”
Bernardo Bertolucci Quotes
“English dialogue is the best in the world. So dry and direct. The Italian language is beautiful, but it is too literary.”
Bernardo Bertolucci Quotes
“I lived in a kind of dream of communism.”
Bernardo Bertolucci Quotes
“I make movies in order to make things understood, not to be shocking.”
Bernardo Bertolucci Quotes
“I saw 'Avatar' and liked it very much. It was a great achievement.”
Bernardo Bertolucci Quotes
“I started very, very young to make movies - I was 21. And at the age of 27, 28, I'd done already three movies.”

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