Bill Viola Quotes & Sayings
32 most famous Bill Viola quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 74 year old American artist born on Jan 13, 1951.
“The velocity and knee-jerk response to events happening in real time that television brings us precludes any kind of reflection or contemplation and therefore analysis. And that's been one of the greatest political dangers in the post-war era. The idea of the reasoned, thoughtful response goes out of the window.”
“The human brain is probably one of the most complex single objects on the face of the earth; I think it is, quite honestly.”
“Art is, for me, the process of trying to wake up the soul. Because we live in an industrialized, fast-paced world that prefers that the soul remain asleep.”
“The very first video experience I had was in high school. They brought a black-and-white closed-circuit surveillance camera into the classroom. I will never forget, as a kid, looking at that image.”
“Vision connects you. But it also separates you. In my work, and my life, I feel a desire to merge. Not in terms of losing my own identity... but there's a feeling that life is interconnected, that there's life in stones and rocks and trees and dirt, like there is in us.”
“Since the time of St. Jerome, it was mandatory for any kind of scholar or thinker to spend time out in the desert in solitude. It's no coincidence that the desert has been a major part of the visionary or mystical experience from the beginning of time.”
“A lot of what making art is, is just being open, and empty. And putting yourself in the right place for things to, literally, come together.”
“I spend a lot of time writing. I get inspiration from texts rather than images.”
“I would prefer to be forgotten, then rediscovered in a different age.”
“Revolution is something that actually starts in individual hearts.”
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