Billy Mays Quotes & Sayings

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21 most famous Billy Mays quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He was an American businessman who passed away on 28 June, 2009.

Billy Mays Quotes
“Broken! Busted! Everybody has something to repair. Before buying new, let Mighty Putty fix it for you.”
Billy Mays Quotes
“The best things in life are free - and $19.95.”
Billy Mays Quotes
“You know what, rip me off once, shame on me. But twice? I'm coming after you and taking back what's mine.”
Billy Mays Quotes
“Is it demonstratable? Does it have that wow factor? Is it easy to use? Is it priced right?”
Billy Mays Quotes
“Long live your laundry!”
Billy Mays Quotes
“Life's a pitch, then you buy.”
Billy Mays Quotes
“I love beautiful wood.”
Billy Mays Quotes
“Hi, Billy Mays here for...”
Billy Mays Quotes
“My voice, my likeness is my livelihood. That's it. I keep it simple. I pick good products.”
Billy Mays Quotes
“When I'm up against a wall, that's when Billy Mays performs best.”

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