Bob Boozer Weight Height Education

2024 Body stats

Bob Boozer weight
215 lbs (97.5 kg)
Bob Boozer height
6' 8" (203 cm)
Bob Boozer shoe size / feet size
Not available


Bob Boozer full name
Robert Lewis Boozer
Bob Boozer middle name
Bob Boozer birthplace
Omaha, Nebraska
Bob Boozer date of birth
April 26, 1937
Bob Boozer date of death
May 19, 2012
Bob Boozer location of death
Not available
Bob Boozer cause of death
Not available
Bob Boozer zodiac
Bob Boozer ethnicity / ethnic background
Not available
Bob Boozer nationality
Bob Boozer religion
Not available
Was Bob Boozer gay?
Not available

Education background

Bob Boozer high school
Omaha Technical in Omaha, Nebraska
Bob Boozer college
Kansas State University


Bob Boozer job
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