Brion James Quotes & Sayings

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26 most famous Brion James quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He was an American actor who passed away on 7 August, 1999.

Brion James Quotes
“I play out negative fantasies for people. I'm the guy people love to hate. And they always remember the bad guy.”
Brion James Quotes
“I'm a parrot. I can pick up an accent and just do it.”
Brion James Quotes
“Since very early in my career, I have always did my own stunt fighting.”
“I never play a villain that I don't have something I can either do or say so the audience sees there is something redeemable about them. In other words, I don't want to do evil for evil's sake. I don't want to do Jason slasher movies. There's no point in that.”
Brion James Quotes
“I did 125 films, and over 100 television shows, and you've never seen the same character twice.”
Brion James Quotes
“My dad had a movie theater so I was there every night.”
Brion James Quotes
“My whole deal when I do accents or dialects is I gotta fool the locals. If I fool the locals then I've done my job.”
“The interesting part of the process is developing the character, you know, why did he become that? Why is the guy a murderer, or why is this guy a pervert, or whatever he is. So that's the fun part for me to delve into the abyss.”
Brion James Quotes
“I still do television. I don't care. I just want to work. I love to work. I want to do 500 movies.”
Brion James Quotes
“I was a different kind of kid, oversensitive and all that.”

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