Bryan Batt Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Bryan Batt quotes and sayings page 3 (62 year old actor). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 44 we have for him.

“People are easily intimidated when they decorate their home. They think it has to be one way. But there's no one way. It's your way, your style. At the end of the day, you have to live there. It's your cocoon, your nest. You have to be happy in it.”
“I do find, coming form the stage and all that, I've always been conscious of my posture and my body, but also the style aspect, I do find myself throwing on a blazer and a nice pair of loafers more often. Daddy always likes a new pair of Guccis.”
Bryan Batt Quotes
“My favorite song as a boy was definitely 'Downtown' recorded by Petula Clark. I still love it! And the original cast recording of 'Gypsy'; I played my mother's cast recordings until there was no vinyl left.”
Bryan Batt Quotes
“I am a collector of many things, but I particularly love the sterling silver mint julep cups, each engraved with the titles of the Broadway shows in which I appeared.”
Bryan Batt Quotes
“Gay actors have been playing straight since Euripides.”
Bryan Batt Quotes
“I live a bi-coastal and sometimes tri-coastal life.”
Bryan Batt Quotes
“We have a costume closet at home. My family will put on a costume for any excuse.”
Bryan Batt Quotes
“You know, I think I was always intrigued by theater since I was a small child.”
Bryan Batt Quotes
“I tend to wake up in the middle of the night with ideas crying to be documented.”
Bryan Batt Quotes
“It's funny... musical theater is what paid my rent and kept me going for the longest time.”

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