Christy Turlington Quotes & Sayings

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37 most famous Christy Turlington quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 56 year old American model born on Jan 2, 1969.

Christy Turlington Quotes
“When you are balanced and when you listen and attend to the needs of your body, mind, and spirit, your natural beauty comes out.”
Christy Turlington Quotes
“Parents should not smoke in order to discourage their kids from smoking. A child is more likely to smoke when they have been raised in the environment of a smoker.”
Christy Turlington Quotes
“Modeling is a profession where your worth is tied up with looks.”
Christy Turlington Quotes
“It is better to not even try it than to endure the ramifications of either quitting smoking or dying.”
Christy Turlington Quotes
“It is possible to experience an awakening in this life through realising just how precious each moment, each mental process, and each breath truly is.”
Christy Turlington Quotes
“I sincerely feel that beauty largely comes from within.”
Christy Turlington Quotes
“Yoga has brought me closer to myself. It's helped me realize the interconnectedness of the mind, body and spirit, in the Buddhist sense of the word.”
Christy Turlington Quotes
“Ayurveda is a sister philosophy to yoga. It is the science of life or longevity and it teaches about the power and the cycles of nature, as well as the elements.”
Christy Turlington Quotes
“People always think that if you eat anything as a model, it's amazing. I used to tease them and say, you know I'm going to throw up afterwards.”
Christy Turlington Quotes
“I have a beer belly.”

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