Ciaran Hinds Quotes & Sayings

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43 most famous Ciaran Hinds quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 72 year old British actor born on Feb 9, 1953.

Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“My soul is still Irish.”
Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“When you find somebody who doesn't give and take, you go, 'Remind me never to work with you again.'”
Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“I float from one project to another project, so you miss people and you don't see them for years.”
Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“You know, Christianity has its own superstition anyway: Why you turn three times, what this saint means, why you pray to the patron saint of lost causes, why you go this way or that way.”
Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“I've worked a lot with Noah Baumbach, and he doesn't make it easy to like his characters, but the stories are funny and witty and there's an edge to that kind of humanity.”
Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“I don't use the word 'artists' lightly.”
Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“Casting is very, very important.”
Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“Grief is exhausting.”
Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“In good comedy, the structure comes from truth and that weird eye that looks at the way life is.”
Ciaran Hinds Quotes
“Stuntwork... once, I've really only done one thing, which is take a punch and transport myself into the air onto a mat.”

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