Cindy Crawford Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Cindy Crawford quotes and sayings page 4 (59 year old model). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 56 we have for her.

Cindy Crawford Quotes
“In the studio, I do try to have a thought in my head, so that it's not like a blank stare.”
Cindy Crawford Quotes
“I don't think makeup is rocket science or a cure for cancer.”
Cindy Crawford Quotes
“You don't even want to look in the mirror after you've had a baby, because your stomach is just hanging there like a Shar-Pei.”
“I like to work. The self-esteem and satisfaction that I get from working makes me a better person, which makes me a better mom. I feel lucky because I have the luxury of working only one or two days a week.”
Cindy Crawford Quotes
“There are things I'd wish weren't part of ageing. But what you gain is much more than you're giving up. I don't think you come into your own until you're 35 or so.”
“It's important for moms to have alone time. However, that's the first thing that goes on a busy day. Fortunately for me, because of my job, I have to find the time to do it. At least that's the way my mind sees it. I have to exercise to be able to fit the clothes and book the jobs.”
Cindy Crawford Quotes
“I don't have to try to be perfect at everything.”
Cindy Crawford Quotes
“I'm not a fan of fillers at all. If you've gone 35 or 40 years without big lips, I don't think it's time to start plumping them up artificially.”
Cindy Crawford Quotes
“The thing I like about my body is that it's strong. I can move furniture around my apartment. I can ride my horse... I can play basketball. It's a well functioning machine.”
Cindy Crawford Quotes
“The good thing about people underestimating models is that the bar is set so low, you tend to impress people more easily.”

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