Cindy Crawford Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)
Cindy Crawford quotes and sayings page 5 (59 year old model). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 56 we have for her.
“It's become another dimension to who I am. I don't think Sports Illustrated is going to be wanting me. But who cares? I'm at a different place in my life.”
“I always knew I wanted to have children.”
“I don't look the same as I did 20 years ago, nor should I.”
“I don't waste as much time at work because I'd rather spend it with my kids.”
“I hated turning 40; the whole idea of it stank. But once I got through it, I was fine.”
“If I put on a few pounds, it goes straight to my butt.”
“Just because you can wear a micro-miniskirt it doesn't mean you should. You don't need to show your midriff, either, if you're over 40.”
“Nobody in my family ever thought that I'd a be a model.”
“They were doing a full back shot of me in a swimsuit and I thought, Oh my God, I have to be so brave. See, every woman hates herself from behind.”
“It's important for moms to have alone time. However, that's the first thing that goes on a busy day. Fortunately for me, because of my job, I have to find the time to do it. At least that's the way my mind sees it.”
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